Notice of Caprock Academy Board of Directors Member Election
The Caprock Academy Board of Directors has two (2) seats up for election this year. Both (2) seats are open to parents of Caprock students or community members. Both (2) seats have a term length of three (3) years. The beginning date of service for the newly elected board members will be May 2025.
Per the By-Laws of Caprock Academy, Section 4.4.5, requirements for Caprock Board of Directors candidacy are:
1) The prospective candidate cannot be a current Caprock Academy employee, or a spouse of a current Caprock Academy employee;
2) The prospective candidate shall have attended at least one regular meeting of the Caprock Academy Board of Directors prior to being seated to the board;
3) The prospective candidate must submit the following documents to the Caprock Board Election Committee Chair by Tuesday, March 25, 2025:
- Letter of Interest;
- Abbreviated Resume;
- Completed CABOD Application (available on the Caprock website);
- Current background check from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (; and
- Signed Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics documents (available on the Caprock website)
The Caprock Academy Board of Directors (the "Board") is the governing body of the school. The Board has the responsibility for ensuring that the school is operating in compliance with its charter, bylaws, and contract with its authorizer. The Board is also charged with creating a master plan that ensures that the school is achieving its Vision and that decisions are made in harmony with the school's Vision. The Board is also responsible for ensuring the financial strength and stability of the school.
If you have questions or want additional information, please contact Caprock Board Election Committee Chair, Jenna Coffman, at [email protected].
The deadline for submitting applications is March 25, 2025. Candidates will need to participate in a Public Candidate Forum between April 14, 2025, and April 18, 2025 (official date TBD). The election will be held on April 21-24, 2025, at the school. The Caprock Academy Board Election Committee is responsible for reviewing all applications against the candidate rules and putting forth all eligible candidates to the Caprock Community. A Candidates Forum will be scheduled for the Caprock Community to meet the candidates prior to the election.
Posted Feb. 25, 2025
Jenna Coffman
Caprock Board Election Committee Chair
Caprock Academy