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Accessibility Progress-to-Date

Accessibility Compliance with HB24-1454

A government entity that is not able to meet the steps to comply with the OIT rules by July 1, 2024 may instead pursue compliance with the requirements of HB24-1454 through July 1, 2025. On July 1, 2025 all government entities must comply with the OIT rules.


A government entity may be immune from liability through July 1, 2025 for failure to comply with the OIT rules if they meet the following three criteria:

  • Make good faith efforts toward resolution of a complaint of noncompliance;
  • Create a clear, easy-to-find process that is prominently displayed on all front-facing web pages for requesting redress for inaccessible digital products, including contact options that are not dependent on web access; and
  • Create and post on front-facing web pages a progress-to-date report that is updated quarterly and demonstrates concrete and specific efforts toward compliance with the OIT rules.

Accessibility standards applied 

The Governor’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) has developed accessibility technical standards with the intent of providing enterprise standard configurations for technologies which provide service to those with disabilities, in accordance with the technical standards provided by:

Our efforts

Caprock Academy is committed to providing equitable access to all Coloradans. Our ongoing accessibility effort works towards the day when all services, programs, and activities are accessible, providing equal access to information and services to all Coloradans.

To that end, Caprock Academy has a plan to prioritize, evaluate, remediate and continuously improve every digital touchpoint within our services, programs, and activities. Below, you’ll find just some of the measures that Caprock Academy is undertaking.

Accessibility Maturity

Caprock Academy is at the following accessibility maturity level for 2024.

Check One





No awareness and recognition of need. At this stage organizations are inventorying their technology, have begun to make investments, etc….



Recognized need organization-wide. Planning initiated, but activities not well organized.



Roadmap including timeline is in place, overall organizational approach defined and well organized.



Incorporated into the whole organization, consistently evaluated, and actions taken on assessment outcomes.


Why we are at this stage 

We’ve made great progress since HB21-1110 has passed considering substantial challenges, including but not limited to:

  • Limited budget for accessibility compliance
  • Small dedicated Communications and Technology Team of four employees
  • Two full websites, one with a large volume of resources (documents, PDFs)
  • One FTE that manages the website and communications
  • Undue burden
Organizational measures
Caprock Academy has taken many steps, including, but not limited to:
  • Accessibility Committee taking the lead on responsibility for accessibility compliance
  • Create Accessibility page with plan, progress, challenges, and statement
  • Define an accessibility roadmap including timeline, goals, roles, responsibilities and policies as needed for our organization
  • Ensuring an up-to-date Accessibility Statement with a plan to provide reasonable accommodations with clear contact information
  • Include accessibility into our procurement processes
  • Testing and auditing of our website with online tools
  • Provide contact information and support for receiving accessibility feedback and accommodations requests.
  • Create and post on front-facing web pages a progress-to-date report that is updated quarterly and demonstrates concrete and specific efforts toward compliance with the OIT rules. (This is required to be in compliance with the requirements of HB24-1454 through July 1, 2025)
  • Installing a permanent homepage link to our Accessibility page
  • Installing a digital message on all company emails with a link to our Accessibility page
  • Contacting vendors to investigate their accessibility options and tools
  • Adding Alt+Text on all new photos and images added to our site after 10/23/24 that will describe the image to the user

Formal approval

Tisha Moore, Communications & Marketing Director, authorizes this statement which was last updated in October of 2024. Tisha Moore can be reached at [email protected] or 970-243-1771.