Governance & By-Laws

The Board will be comprised of from five to nine members and will always include a majority of parents. The Board will be elected by the parents/guardians of the students attending Caprock Academy and will operate according to the by-laws laid out by the school’s operating committee.



​The Board has several different types of meetings they can call in order to achieve the business needed for the school.


Business Meetings
Held monthly on the second Tuesday of every month.  During these meetings, there is a public comment session, reports by committees and the Head of School, presentations of information, voting on issues, policy making, correspondence and other items deemed necessary by the Board.


Special Meetings
Can be called when deemed necessary to present and vote on information or policies that cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled Board business meeting.


Board Workshops
Can be called so the Board can work on and discuss issues or policies in a public session.  No voting will take place during this type of meeting.


Executive Session
Called when the Board convenes to talk about issues that need to be privately discussed such as personnel.  It requires announcement of topic for discussion, citation to authorizing law, and a two-thirds vote of the members present.


Meeting notices are posted with at least 24 hours’ notice on the front door of the school building and on the school website.





The Colorado Sunshine Law generally requires that any state or local governmental body that meets to discuss public business or to take formal action do so in meetings that are open to the public. Under the law (§ 24-6-402, C.R.S.), “meeting” refers to any kind of gathering convened to discuss public business, whether in person, by telephone, electronically, or by other means of communication. Electronic mail messages can be considered “meetings” under the statute. The statute does not apply to chance meetings or social occasions where public business is not the central purpose of the meeting.