Caprock Families » Health Office

Health Office

We are very excited to have your student join us to learn and grow at Caprock Academy.  Please refer to the information on this page so that you are aware of our sick policy, medication guidelines as well as general health office information.


If your student has any past medical history or is currently undergoing any medical treatment that you would like to discuss, please feel free to call the health office at 970-243-1771 ext. 1114 or 1113. 


Sick Policy


Children that have a 100.4 degree fever or above, have any flu-like symptoms, or are vomiting and/or have diarrhea will be required to stay home. Students will not be allowed to return to school until they are symptom, vomit, and fever free with no aid from fever or symptom reducing medicines, for at least 24 hours.  Students that are sent to school within the 24-hour window or have been given medications to reduce their symptoms will be sent home.

Medication at School


Your child is NOT allowed to have any medicines on campus. Not on their person, in their lunch bag, in their backpacks, or in their lockers. This includes but is not limited to, prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines (Tylenol, Motrin, Cough and Cold, etc.), cough drops, inhalers, Chapstick, oils, herbals, and vitamins.  Each medication requires their own Prescription/OTC Medication form.  *All medicine MUST be given to the school nurse or health technicians to dispense.


Prescription Medication


All prescriptions must have a physician’s request form for medication to be given at school. Your physician will have this form available at their office. This form must be filled out and signed by your physician. The form must also be signed by the parent or guardian. It may also be faxed to the school at (970)243-3612. 


Please note that all prescription medication MUST be in its original container with prescription label. The label must include the student’s name, dosage information, administering directions, doctor’s name and number, and pharmacy’s information. Inhalers must have the label on the inhaler itself, not just on the box of the inhaler. If asked, the pharmacist will place a label on the inhaler for you.


Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medication


Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines must also be in their original manufacturing packaging with dosage and administering instructions. Parents must bring all OTC medicine including cough drops and Chapstick to the school health office.  An OTC Medication permission form must be filled out and signed by parent or guardian for medication to be given. OTC medicine may not be sent with your student in their backpack, lunch bag, or on their person, to administer themselves. OTC medicine is not to be sent in with the student to give to his or her teacher or school nurse or health technicians. All medicine MUST be given to the nurse or health technicians by the parent and a form must be signed to be administered at school. All medicine will remain double-locked in the school health office until picked up by parent or guardian.

Parents may choose to come to the school and have their student taken out of class to administer medicine personally.  


*All prescription and OTC medicine must have current dates on the product. No expired medicine will be given.



Immunization Exception Information


We want to make you aware of changes that were made to Colorado laws in 2021 regarding immunization exemptions.  Non-medical certificates of exemptions will need to be submitted ANNUALLY.  Medical exemptions will still only need to be done once. Colorado law requires students who attend a public or private k-12 school to be vaccinated against several diseases unless a certificate of exemption is filed. Your student must be vaccinated against:


  • Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP, Tdap)
  • Hepatitis B 
  • Measles mumps and rubella (MMR)
  • Polio (IPV)
  • Varicella (chickenpox).


If you choose not to have your student vaccinated for personal or religious reasons, you must submit a Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption to the school annually at every new school year. There are 2 ways to file the exemption.


  • File the Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption with a signature from an immunizing provider, OR
  • File the Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption received upon the completion of the online education module through CDPHE.  The certificate will need to be printed after watching the module.  It will have a watermark, and the date and time that the module was finished will be printed on it.  


Please bring updated immunization records to the school any time your student receives new vaccines.


If you have any questions, please call the health office.




Heath Office Forms

COVID-19 Monitoring for the 2023-2024 School Year


The School will not be monitoring or regulating COVID positives or quarantines, which means it is up to parents and individuals to follow health department guidance.


The current recommendation from the health department is to:

  • Isolate for 5 days if you have tested positive (starting from day one of symptoms),
  • If you are not vaccinated - quarantine for 5 days if you are a direct contact to someone who has tested positive (from last direct contact)
  • If you are vaccinated or have tested positive in the last 90 days - no quarantine required
  • All persons exposed or tested positive should monitor themselves for symptoms for 10 days total


Please click here for specific information from the health department, as well as a calculator to see how long you should either isolate or quarantine. Again, the school will not be tracking this, so it is up to individual families to determine when to isolate and/or quarantine.





Please contact the health office with any health related questions that you may have.



[email protected]


Phone: 970-243-1771

  • School Nurse 
  • Health Technicians - Ext. 1113 or 1114


Fax: 970-243-3612